Burgundy Elite, Lowest Price: 2012 Niellon Chassagne-Montrachet

Posted by Ian McFadden

Clarity, Detail and Nuance:
Burgundy Elite, Lowest Price
2012 Niellon Chassagne-Montrachet

In 2012, everything is amplified.

By now, the vintage is infamous for its tiny yields and painfully small quantities. The resulting wines are insanely concentrated and deeply complex.

There's no getting around the fact that availability is ugly, but there is at least one silver lining: The 2012 vintage elevated villages level wines in a huge way.

Villages wines from top producers like Niellon don't last in the market. In many ways, they're hunted as intensely as the big wines. For good reason, villages wines from people like Niellon overdeliver in a big way. These are wines that we're constantly on the lookout for.

Niellon's signature is a combination of weight, depth, a saturating presence on the palate with a strong streak of minerality, a muscular acidity and a cool herbal thread. In short, this has everything we love in White Burgundy.

Niellon's 2012 Chassagne delivers a holy trinity of clarity, detail and nuance. As Burghound puts it, the '12 delivers plenty of "punch." The mid-palate is jam-packed with yellow fruits, minerals and savory notes. The acid spine drives a long, saturating finish.

Michel Niellon is, along with Ramonet, one of the elite producers of Chassagne. As with Ramonet, the style here places purity and elegance above all else.

The Niellon estate is tiny (about 6 hectares in total). These are wines that disappear quickly. I'm really happy to be able to offer a wine at this level at this price.

Please give us your ideal order and we'll do our best.

To order, reply to offers@crushwineco.com or call the store at (212) 980-9463.

Ian McFadden
Director, Fine & Rare Wine
Crush Wine & Spirits