Nothing Small About It: 2012 Dauvissat Petit Chablis

Posted by Ian McFadden

Nothing Small About It
2012 Dauvissat Petit Chablis

Generally speaking, Petit Chablis is nothing to get excited about. It's to be drunk without much reflection or fanfare.

All of this changes when it comes to Dauvissat.

People chase down Dauvissat's Petit Chablis with close to the same level of dedication as they do for his Grand Crus.

We can think of few other examples where there's such a gulf between the humble status of the appellation and what's actually in the bottle. There are many examples of Dauvissat's Petit Chablis drinking beautifully after a decade of aging.

Vincent Dauvissat

This is the first time that we've been able to offer Dauvissat's Petit Chablis to a large group. It can be maddening to find it in quantity. I'm really thankful to have landed this parcel.

Dauvissat produced a gorgeous cast of 2012s. Across the board, they have a beautiful combination of precision, energy and concentration. Of course, the story here (as with so much Burgundy) is that yields were brutally small.

The 2012 Petit Chablis shows good concentration, but what really wins us over is its piercingly precise minerality. There's an agile brightness to the wines as it offers up loads of Chablis character and floral and citrus notes.

There are only two other listings for this wine in the country. I'm very happy to be able to offer it. My guess is that we're looking at a 'here today, gone tomorrow' scenario. Please give us your ideal order and we'll do our best.

To order, email or call the store at (212) 980-9463.

Ian McFadden
Director, Fine & Rare
Crush Wine & Spirits