Bernard Faurie is well into his sixties, and he's still a driving force behind some of the purest expressions of Hermitage that we know.
Today, we're excited to present a true rarity, Faurie's Hermitage Bessards.
With only 1.7ha in total, nothing Faurie makes is in good supply. However, the Bessards takes this to an extreme. Only two demi-muid barrels were produced, totaling around 120 cases.
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There is no grander, more regal expression of Syrah than Hermitage. Bessards is universally held to be one of the greatest sites on the entire hill of Hermitage. Many believe it's the best. The Chave family considers Bessards vital to their Hermitage.
Bessards is famous for its intensely granitic soils and the sternly structured, emphatically mineral, and tension-filled wines it produces. Faurie released his first single-vineyard Bessards in 2015. The 2016 is an absolutely stunning follow-up.
In 2016, the northern Rhône produced concentrated and nicely ripe wines, but the truly exciting part is how it's presented in such a graceful, mineral, and energetic sort of way. Faurie's old-fashioned methods (whole clusters, foot-stomping, aging in old demi-muids) beautifully captures Hermitage's elegance and complexity with such detail and clarity. This is especially the case in 2016.
The 2016 Bessards is powerful, fine, and detailed. The total package is stunning. Faurie's vines in Bessards were planted in the 1940s and 1960s, and you can feel the darkly mineral old-vine sappiness present. There are explosive aromatics and a radiant clarity.
These are some of our favorite expressions of Hermitage. If Faurie isn't better known, it's because the size of the domaine places a major cap on the exposure that the wines get. The 2016 Bessards is simply a special wine. I should warn you, though, that quantities are very limited. Please give us your ideal order, and we'll try out best.
To order, email or call the store at (212) 980-9463.
Ian McFadden
Director, Fine & Rare Wine
Crush Wine & Spirits
2016 Faurie Hermitage Bessards
Special Bottle Price: $124.95