The Ideal Stage for Cornas' Master - 2010 Allemand Cornas Chaillots

Posted by Joe Salamone

A Purists' Vintage:
The Ideal Stage for Cornas' Master
2010 Allemand Cornas Chaillots
Only Bottles in the Country

Thierry Allemand's wines are the most singular expressions of Cornas around. Simply put: they're the purest, most finessed, and most expressive Cornas being made today.

All reports are that Allemand's 2010s capture his unique style with picture perfect clarity.

The only catch is that quantities are 50% below normal. There's never enough Allemand to go around in any vintage, but 2010 will be an especially painful year to secure Allemand.

For months, we've been hunting for Allemand's 2010s and finally, some broke loose. The 2010 Chaillots on offer today are the only bottles currently available in the U.S. In the context of Allemand, it's a decent parcel, but in reality it's a pretty modest one - quantities are limited.

Allemand has a huge following. We've mentioned this before, but it's worth repeating: if there is an heir to the throne of Noël Verset, it is Thierry Allemand.

Allemand's are very special wines, the product of one of the most gifted and thoughtful winemakers we know.

Allemand is simply making some of the best and most soulful wines in the Northern Rhône. They are wines that are impeccable in their precision and in their clarity.

2010 Allemand Chaillots showcases all of this in a very big way. 2010 in the Northern Rhône is a vintage for purists. There's good concentration and overall balance, but the hallmark of the vintage is its bright, clear fruit and its elegance.

People who know Allemand will immediately see how the vintage played into Allemand's strengths. Nobody renders Cornas with the fine-ness that Allemand does, and no one gives it vividness and detail the way Allemand does.

And 2010 offered an ideal stage for Allemand to show just how much finesse, detail and transparency he can endow Cornas with.

2010 promises to be an absolutely gorgeous vintage for Allemand's Chaillots. I wish there were more to go around, but at least what there is will be legendary.

To order, please email us at or call the store at (212) 980-9463.

Joe Salamone
Wine Buyer
Crush Wine & Spirits