"This wonderfully complex effort reminds me a bit of a smaller scaled Les Clos"
- 2010 Dauvissat-Camus Chablis Vaillons

Posted by Ian McFadden

2010 is a great vintage for Chablis, and Dauvissat just rocked it.

As Burghound's note above makes clear, Dauvissat is one of the stars of the vintage.

The 2010 Vaillons really underscores Dauvissat's outrageous success. It's one of the greatest young examples of the site that I've tasted.

Before continuing, we should address Dauvissat's labeling conventions. There are two labels: Vincent Dauvissat and Dauvissat-Camus. Burghound says the following about the two labels: "Because I often get this question I will add that according to Vincent Dauvissat, the Dauvissat-Camus wines are 100% identical to those that appear under the Vincent Dauvissat label."

The 2010 Vaillons is defined by subtlety, balance and an almost surgical precision. There's a seriously pure expression of crushed rocks, saline minerality and yellow-green fruit. There's an extraordinary finesse and length.

The quality of Dauvissat's 2010s is well known and it's a holiday weekend, so I'll wrap this up. I should warn you that quantities are modest and these are the only bottles of Vaillons in the country. I'm expecting this to sell out quickly.

To order, reply to offers@crushwineco.com or call the store at (212) 980-9463.

Ian McFadden

Director, Fine & Rare Wine
Crush Wine & Spirits