News — 2017 White Burgundy

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White Burgundy: Coche-Dury, Colin-Morey, Dureuil-Janthial,
Lafon, Lamy, Leflaive, Raveneau, Roulot & More

There are 29 white Burgundies on the list below, covering nearly all of our favorite producers of white Burgundy. 

In Top Form Revisited
2017 Jacques Carillon Puligny-Montrachet

The 2017 Puligny is a really beautiful vintage for the wine. It is vibrant, finely etched, and supremely elegant. It's very rare that a villages wine has this much class and sophistication.

"Nicely Delineated" - Burghound
2017 Domaine Bernard Moreau Chassagne-Montrachet

Moreau's wines are explosive, rigorously sculpted, and above all, pure. I'm always taken by their pristine high-toned gracefulness.

"In a word: sublime" - Antonio Galloni
2017 Raveneau Chablis 1er Cru Montée de Tonnerre

Simply put, Raveneau produces some of the greatest white wines on earth.

"This is excellent" -Burghound
2017 Lafon Meursault Clos de la Barre

Lafon has never been better. Along with Roulot and Coche-Dury, Lafon is the standard-bearer of Meursault. His 2017s show this benchmark in top form.

A Sleeper From A Burgundy Benchmark
2017 Lamy St. Aubin 1er Cru Les Frionnes

The 2017 Frionnes is animated by a sleek elegance and near perfect balance that defines Lamy's 2017s. Expect a white Burgundy of silky harmony and driving minerality. Subtle shavings of sweet herbs and ripe citrus add even more nuance to this extraordinary example of what Frionnes can bring to the table.