News — Barthod

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(3 posts)

Burgundy: 1999-2017
Barthod, Coche-Dury, Colin-Morey, Dauvissat, Mugneret-Gibourg, Roumier & More

This marks our first Burgundy list offer of 2020. I tried to pull out all the stops.

"Should be on your very short list" -
2014 Barthod Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru Aux Combottes

“If classically styled ultra pure and understated Chambolle floats your burgundy boat, then the Barthod-Noëllat wines should be on your very short list along with the likes of Roumier, Mugnier and de Vogüé.” –Burghound

Red Burgundy 1995-2013: d'Angerville, Bachelet, Barthod, Lignier, Rousseau, Roumier & More

It's been a while since I put a list of red Burgs together and I had fun with this one. There are lots of back vintages from some of my favorite producers.