News — 2020

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(7 posts)

"With exceptional balance, the 2020 is a striking, captivating wine that captures the best the vintage had to offer.” -2020 Brovia Barolo Rocche di Castiglione

Rocche is a key site for Brovia. Not only does Brovia have a very choice parcel in the vineyard, but it’s their oldest holding and home to their oldest vines. If we were to tally up our favorite bottles of Brovia, ones from Rocche would dominate.

Burgundy Royalty - Lowest Price:
2020 Ramonet Chassagne-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Ruchottes

Ramonet's Ruchottes overachieves to such an extent that it can compete with many Grand Crus.

"This is potentially brilliant and very much worth your interest"
2020 Lafarge Volnay Premier Cru Clos des Chenes

There's something magical and captivating about Lafarge's wines and their understated grace.

"An exceptional wine that delivers the goods."
2020 Montevertine Rosso di Toscano

In any vintage, the Rosso di Toscano stands out with its elegance and refinement. There's an effortless, heartfelt, and graceful quality to the wine that always amazes us.

"Unusual in Every Respect"
2020 Château Simone Palette Rouge

Given the wine's harmony and Simone's track record for aging, the 2020 seems poised to show brilliantly for at least the next decade.

"I very much like the focused power... " -2020 Raveneau Chablis 1er Cru Montée de Tonnerre

At their best, the 2020s combine power and richness with snap, tension, and Chablisien minerality. Raveneau has clearly produced some of the top wines of the vintage.

"No estate in the entire Rhône Valley making finer wines." -2020 Allemand Cornas Reynard

The 2020 Reynard is a showstopper. The wine has a shocking combination of power, purity, and detail.