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(97 posts)

Classicism in Côte-Rôtie:
2021 Jamet Côte-Rôtie

In any year, Jamet's Côte-Rôtie is one of the great wines of the northern Rhône. However, something special happens to Jamet in brisker and more classical vintages. Anyone fortunate enough to have tasted their 1991 Côte-Rôtie can attest to this.

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Untamed Côte-Rôtie:
2021 Levet Côte-Rôtie Les Journaries

Les Journaries is unapologetically old-school northern Rhone, rendered with amazing clarity.

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2021 Gonon Saint-Joseph:
Soulfulness and Delicacy in Saint-Joseph

It's no surprise that Gonon made some of our favorite wines of the vintage. A couple weeks ago, we tasted both Gonon's white and red Saint-Joseph, and they showed beautifully.

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The Real Deal:
2021 Gilles Cornas

Of the new generation of Cornas producers, Guillaume Gilles stands out.

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Clarity and Finesse in the Northern Rhône:
2022 Gérard Saint-Joseph Le Blanchard

Le Blanchard is one of Saint-Joseph's coolest vineyards. Here, Saint-Joseph possesses an unusual finesse, agility, and perfume—elements that it shares with Cote-Rotie. It all adds up to an exciting and gorgeous example of Syrah.

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Rhône Royalty:
2021 Chave Hermitage Rouge

Chave’s masterful Hermitage is the crown jewel of the northern Rhône; there's simply no better expression of Syrah on the planet.

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Cult Northern Rhône:
2021 Gonon Vin de Pays l'Ardeche Les Iles Feray

Les Iles Feray's signature is a pitch-perfect clarity with an intricate and detailed presentation of blackberries, olives, violets, spice, and forest floor notes wrapped around a smoke-infused minerality. This is authentic northern Rhône Syrah, rendered with the utmost care.

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Chave Rarity:
Back-Vintage St-Joseph Clos Florentin

We're really excited to offer Chave's 2015 and 2016 Saint-Joseph Clos Florentin. It's a wine that we're always on the hunt for. We feel very fortunate to be able to offer back-vintages. 

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Cornas From On High:
2020 Gilles Cornas "Nouvelle R" Les Rieux

The "R" stands for Les Rieux, a vineyard that Gilles planted in 2010 that sits at 450 meters high, above the amphitheater of Cornas. It's a vineyard of white granite soils that had never been planted before because historically, people worried about the grape achieving proper ripeness.

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"Unusual in Every Respect"
2020 Château Simone Palette Rouge

Given the wine's harmony and Simone's track record for aging, the 2020 seems poised to show brilliantly for at least the next decade.

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Back-Vintage Allemand: 2016 Allemand Cornas Reynard

As time has gone by, Allemand's 2016s have impressed us more and more.

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"No estate in the entire Rhône Valley making finer wines." -2020 Allemand Cornas Reynard

The 2020 Reynard is a showstopper. The wine has a shocking combination of power, purity, and detail.

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The Other Side of Jamet: 2021 Jamet Cote-Rotie Fructus Voluptas

The intention was to significantly depart from the winemaking of the flagship Côte-Rôtie. Fructus Voluptas sees little to no stem inclusion and is sourced from younger vines. This yields a more fruit-driven and immediate lens to view Jamet's winemaking.

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Chave Rarity
2018-2019 Chave Saint-Joseph Clos Florentin

Chave's wines are some of our favorites, and we have a particular soft spot for his Saint-Joseph. Along with Pierre Gonon, Chave produces our favorite expression of Saint-Joseph. Chave's St. Joseph is something we cellar each vintage.

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2020 Levet Côte-Rôtie La Chavaroche

"This bottling is up there with the best wines that I have ever had from this domaine, and I am familiar with their work going back to their 1983 vintage."

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Saint-Joseph Sweet Spot
2020 Gérard Saint-Joseph Le Blanchard

Xavier Gérard has maintained a low profile, but he's among the most talented winemakers in the northern Rhône. 

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The Genuine Article
2018 Gilles Cornas

Gilles produces real deal Cornas.

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Back-Vintage Allemand
1998 Allemand Cornas Reynard

Allemand's 1998 has an intense and rigorous architecture. There's a wild profile with dark berry fruit, smoke, and a seriously complex presentation of spices and florality.

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The Cult of Gonon:
2019 Gonon Vin de Pays l'Ardèche Les Iles Feray

Today, we wrap things up with Gonon's Lies Iles Feray. I should warn you from the beginning that this is a very small parcel that I would only imagine offering over a holiday weekend. 

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The Other Side of Jamet 2019 Jamet
Côte-Rôtie Fructus Voluptas

Jamet's signature finesse,  with darker fruits and more overt florality.

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2013 Allemand Cornas Reynard

Allemand takes Cornas to a level of expressiveness and finesse that no one can compete with. His 2013 Reynard is a powerful example of this. 

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2018 Gonon Saint-Joseph

The amount of gracefulness that Gonon is able to coax from the hills of Saint-Joseph is extraordinary.

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Essential Cornas - Back-Vintage Clape:
1998 & 2000 Clape Cornas

If Allemand is Cornas as suave, fine and bright, Clape shows the region's dark side, wonderfully bone-crushing and savory. Clape’s Cornas gets to the beating heart of the appellation’s intensely dark and savory side. The wines are wildly complex and utterly compelling expressions of Cornas.

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Côte-Rôtie's Master:
2017 Jamet Côte-Rôtie

Jamet's Côte-Rôties are long-standing benchmarks of the northern Rhône.

The heights that Jamet's Côte-Rôties reach have few peers in the entire northern Rhône.

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